Thursday, October 07, 2010

Pioneer Girlz Club

Patience loves being in Grade 1; not just because now she's in school all day long with a desk and her very own school supplies, but because now she is old enough to join Pioneer Girlz Club. It's every Thursday night from 7 to 8:30, which gets her home way past bedtime and even then she's so hyper that she can't get to sleep right away (very unlike Patience). But she loves it!
Our church runs the program, but it's a nation-wide, or maybe world-wide program that has been around for a long time, offered by many churches of different denominations. Patience attends with her friend, Paige, and Paige's mother went to Pioneer Girls when she was little.
So I thought I should take Patience's picture tonight before she left to show you 1) her new Pioneer Girlz Club shirt, 2) her second lost tooth, and 3) her very cute french braid that I did in her hair for tonight.


Haley said...

I love Patience's hair it is adorable! She looks so much older since the last time I saw her!

****** said...

Pioneer Girls is a very good program! Hurray for Patience. So good for her. And she looks darling!

Nathan said...

Patience has become such a beautiful little grade 1 girl. I cant wait to see her agian, I am glad that she is still managing to have fun with out me :)