Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ice Skating Lessons

Nathan couldn't wait to get Nick out on the ice. After all, how can he possibly be in the NHL if he can't even skate? Our first stop was to Sports Replay where we scored these adorable little skates and skookum helmet for only $20 each. Then we headed out to a local rink for Parent/Tot drop-in skate. Nathan and Nick were the only ones on the ice!

Ice skating was much more difficult than either Nathan or Nick had imagined.

After a little while of trying to keep Nick upright Nathan caved and gave him one of those re-bar things that Nick was able to push around and skate behind. Even using that "crutch" we could see amazing progress.

Nathan picked up Nick from school on Thursday and took him ice skating again, so that by the time Christmas Eve on Ice came around Nick was literally tearing up the ice. He can skate FAST behind that little cage, and can turn on a dime. Nick loves ice skating, and will hopefully enjoy the lessons that we're going to begin on January 9.

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