Saturday, July 02, 2011

Canada Day fireworks

Don and I got super brave yesterday and decided to throw caution to the wind and take the kids to the fireworks in Langley that start at 10:30. In preparation, we gave Nick a nice long nap so we knew he'd be good to go.

The girls practically vibrated with excitement all day long. Finally, at 10:00, we loaded them up in the van and headed down to the park. We had just enough time to get to the field and sit down on our bamboo mat (thank you, Edith!). The kids LOVED it. They all did great, right up to the time they had to get out of the van at home. Then Jordyn was too tired to do anything but lay down and cry. But even with that minor snafu, Don and I decided that it was a great adventure and next year we'd do some of the festivities and then stay for the fireworks!


****** said...

GREAT pictures!! Love your hair! "Mr Smith" was sorry he wasn't there to carry in Jordyn. He said, "aaah" when I got to the part about her laying and crying. Will be sending hugs to all via Haley.

Cathi said...

Heather, we wish Mr. Smith had been there, too. An extra adult would have been just the ticket! Can't wait to see Haley!