Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Santa Clause Parade

Ever since we've lived in Aldergrove we haven't been able to attend the annual Christmas parade because we've either just worked an all-hands-on-deck day at the Christmas tree farm (in the good ol' days) or the weather has been too inclement to make a parade enjoyable. But this year we had a Christmas miracle! The weather was beautiful (not wet) and we were very relaxed after having spent the day in pajamas doing....not much of anything. Don had to work but I bundled up the kids, jammies and all, and headed into town. It was great! We were, unfortunately, at the end of the parade route, which means that the kids didn't get alot of parade candy/fodder, which disappointed them. Next year maybe we'll venture out earlier and get in a better spot for hand-outs!

The fire truck was coming, so of course Nick couldn't look at the camera!

1 comment:

Pat and Lee said...

So glad that you did that! And yes, next year get a better spot for the candy grab :)

The kids look like they really enjoyed it!