Friday, May 02, 2008


This morning Sean and Nathan left bright and early for their cadet weekend. The weather is supposed to be pretty good (not raining) for them, which is always a plus when you're out on the water in the middle of nowhere.

Aunt Dorothy came and visited this morning and ended up staying for lunch. We had a nice visit and the girls were disappointed when she left.

I had a doctor appointment this afternoon. Everything went well. Specifically, I am miraculously not anemic...which is a first for me during pregnancy. And, I got my "permission slip" from my doctor that says I can be allowed on the cruise ship in 2 short weeks.

Right now Don has Jordyn, running errands in Langley. He's going to bring home dinner (Yes!).

Tonight at 8:00 we get to check and see if Dylan's flight left NY on time, and then set our alarm clocks accordingly so we can go pick him up from school in the middle of the night. Good grief! Any guesses how much/long he'll sleep in tomorrow?

Chicks are all alive (another miracle considering Patience and Jordyn's curiosity and inability to leave them alone) and are starting to grow feathers!

Happy Friday!

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