Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No news is good news

There's really not much to report here, except that the weather has been absolutely freezing! Today after school Haley brought Sean home (LOVE having another driver in the family) and Dylan met her here. We had hot chocolate (pictured above) and then the big kids started on their studying while I started dinner, which was Texas Toast french toast with yummy toppings and sausage from our side of pork.

For two days now, Nick has not taken an afternoon nap. So I guess there is some news! He's a very tired boy. This morning he fell asleep in front of the t.v. for about an hour, and would have easily fallen asleep this evening if it weren't for a very active bath and playtime with Daddy. The nice thing is that his bedtime is now 7:30, so we get some down time in the evening after the Littles go to bed.

Tomorrow night Dylan has a Wind Symphony concert. Sean is babysitting so that Don and I can both go. We're picking up Haley and taking her so that they'll have just one car after the concert is over.

We got an email from Mom and Lee yesterday; they are both fine in New Zealand...far away from the epicenter of the earthquake and they're planning on being home by March 3 or so depending on space availability on the flights. I am looking forward to having them only 1000 miles away instead of half a world away. : )

1 comment:

Pat and Lee said...

Great post! Love the pictures!!