Friday, June 17, 2011

Go Bananas!

This week Jordyn's preschool class had their end-of-the-year party at one of those indoor playplaces. Usually when there's something on the calendar that I'd rather not attend (like a field trip to the firehall that she's already been two twice) I just don't tell her about it. But now that she can read I can't hide anything from her. She knew from the first day of June that "Go Bananas!" was on the calendar and she asked me everyday to tell her how many more days until the party. So, on Wednesday I took Jordyn, Nick, and Patience to the newly expanded place and they had a blast. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was anticipating. The noise level was manageable because the preschool had rented the entire place for the party. Here are some pics:

The most amazing part of the entire morning is that Nick didn't have a single accident! He came to use the toilet twice while we were there. He starts preschool in the fall, so I guess we'll be going back to Go Bananas! next year.

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