Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

I think I've finally gotten the hang of uploading pictures in reverse order so you can see them chronologically correct! We've had quite the whirlwind weekend, starting with a quick trip to the doctor's office Friday evening at 5:00 for three stitches in Patience's forehead. She fell while jumping on the trampoline and hit her head on the big steel frame. It was very sad but I still can't believe what a good girl she was while she was getting stitched up. She cried, but was very still. I was so proud of her.
Dylan was at a band trip since Thursday, so he missed that bit of excitement, and he just got home today at 1:00.
On Saturday a.m., Sean and I went to a swim meet while Nathan and Don went to a guided tour of Burns Bog. They both had a good time and said it was a very interesting tour. The girls stayed home with a babysitter and Waneta was on-hand in case Stephanie needed her. Teamwork!
After the swim meet, Don and Sean worked with Grandpa on the west side of the shop roof. Nathan went to cadets for a work bee and then to go with friends to Spiderman 3. Rave reviews about that movie...
Today we went to church and then came home and started preparing for our Mother's Day barbeque with the Richeys. They came over around 4:00 and we had fillet mignon, asparagus, Caesar salad, garlic bread, sauteed mushrooms, beans Waikiki...I think that was it for the dinner. But for dessert we had delicious birthday cake made by Waneta, pudding (compliments of the Richey clan), and a fruit salad (also Waneta). Can you say stuffed? Of course we haven't learned to prepare less food or at least eat less of it! After dinner the men-folk played basketball (ask Nathan how he and Dylan did against Don and Dave) while the girls took a nice stroll out back with Jordyn in the backpack. We all felt a little better after the exercise.
Babadee brought Patience some Dora treasures for her birthday: a little doll, a coloring book with crayons, and the wonderful little patio table pictured above. Patience calls it her "table picnic."
It was a wonderful day, a wonderful weekend. And now a new week begins...
More later.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'd say it was a red letter weekend on all accounts! Beginning on Saturday, that is! Poor Miss P - I could see her "owie" a bit in one of the pictures.
Sounds like the Lawson/Murphy/Richey clan all had a great time at the barbeque, and I'm sure that Nathan will tell me all about the basketball scrimmage!
Thanks so much for posting pics! Tell Sean that his Grandma said that he should NOT be up on a roof in slip-on (slip-off!!) shoes! I now have MORE gray hair!!
Love you all, lots and lots!!

****** said...

Aren't you a May baby too - Cathi? We will have to do some catch up birthday celebrations in Victoria. I think we have about 20 to catch up on!!! The way the pictures loaded, it looks like the girls are having tea in the yard while your boys are working on a neighbors roof.:-) Then I realized that they were too separate pics.

Can't wait!! H