Thursday, November 04, 2010

Miscellaneous news from the farm

1. Don is working crazy-long hours now to make up for the hours he won't be working during the Christmas tree season.

2. I am a single parent. I told Don I am taking January off.

3. Nathan is on a 21-day tour of tending buoys. He'll get back to Cordova near the end of November, and then he'll have just 3 weeks to work until his Christmas leave.

4. Dylan got a paid gig...he's playing Reville at a Remembrance Day ceremony at White Rock.

5. Haley got a job! She'll be working at Shopper's Drug Mart starting next Wednesday.

6. Sean will go to the Provincial swim meet, but only for the first day (Friday). That way, he can help all of his relay teams to qualify for finals, which, of course, is where the points are doled out. He'll come home late Friday night so he can still be part of Don's baling crew for the weekend. Win-win.

7. Patience is being homeschooled. See post below.

8. Jordyn, even though she's deathly afraid of bugs, likes to kill them. With a toy, or even her bare hands. Yuck.

9. Nick has discovered Thomas the Train. He calls him Choo-choo and loves to play with the Brio train track and to watch the Thomas the Train television shows.


Nathan said...

Thanks for the update from the farm, I am surprised to learn that Jordyn is not afraid of bugs to the point where she wants to kill them. Last time I saw her she definately screamed cried and ran away from any form of bug life.

Good for Dylan on getting a paid gig, I hope that he continues to get some easy money like that.

That's exciting that Patience is doing the home schooling, she will now have LOTS of spare time for hockey.

Pat and Lee said...

Wow! Lots going on at the farm!

Congratulations, Dylan, on your paying gig, and Jordyn, on conquoring your fear of bugs!

Ah, Thomas the Tank - brings back memories! And I'm so glad that you still have the brio stuff!

And I'm SO glad that Sean gets to go to the Provincials with his swim team.

Love you!

****** said...

Lots of fabulous posts! I love that Murphy's school for boys is now open for girls, cute. Wonderful pictures. Love Thomas - such nice, calming videos... something about those voices. da dut da dut da da duhhhhh, I can hear the song now. Good for the girls on the skating - what a generous brother.

Haley said...

Congratulations to everyone...yes even nick on discovering Thomas The Train Engine. Aaaaaah memories.