Sunday, July 27, 2008

Boatshed and Nathan's Boat

When we arrived at Quadra, we were a little early for the graduation parade, so we decided to go visit Nathan at the boatshed. All of the boatshed workers were in a dark room watching a Will Farrell movie on Nathan's portable DVD player! Don poked his head in and said in a gruff voice, "Murphy!" to which Nathan automatically replied, "Yes, sir!" Then he looked up and saw it was Don and his smile lit up the dark room. He introduced us to some of his fellow "sheddies" and then took us on a tour of his boat. He made sure we noticed how much cleaner his boat was than all the others.

The boatshed pier.

Quadra has tons of boats, all different kinds.

Nathan making sure we had life vests on before going down to the boats.

Nathan and I on the pier. Notice how dark he's gotten in 4 short weeks?

Nathan on his (very clean) boat.

1 comment:

Val said...

Thanks for all the pics, it's almost like being there with you! The boys look great and super happy, not like they have suffered at all! :)