Tuesday, June 09, 2009

"You're absolutely hopeless..."

That was Dr. Dornan's conclusion when he asked what I'd been doing. I said, "well, I'm not vacuuming. I'm not driving. And I'm not having...well, you know. But I am doing pretty much everything else." He chuckled and said, "That's about what I figured you'd be doing. You're absolutely hopeless." Then he sent me off for another 6 weeks. So, I'm driving! Yeah! And while I'm not taking it easy, per se, I'm certainly not lifting anything heavy like Jordyn or Patience. Or baskets full of wet laundry.


Pat and Lee said...

Well, we clearly should have sent you on a two week cruise to recuperate!
Glad that you're cleared to drive - yay!!

Love you!

Pam said...

Glad you got the go ahead to drive! You really should be milking this a bit more, Cathi.