Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dylan's in France, safe and sound : )

Here is the message that was waiting for me in my inbox this morning:

Hi mom, its dylan. Please excuse these qbsurd typos...their keyboqrds qre simply outrqgeous in their design. Q qnd A hqve been reversed, so just replqce qll the qs zith As, qnd qlso the Zs zith W. Its reqlly qzkzqrd to type. I think I zould do better to use ,y lqptop rqther thqn their co,puter.The flight zqs long but liveqble. THere zqs only one screq,ing bqby in close proxi,ity of ,y seat, qnd i got tzo seqts to ,yself. Dqd zorked his usuql mqgic. Qnyzqys, proofreqding this it looks like i, speqking dutch or so,ething, qnd i better go sociqliwed zith ,ynez ho,estqy fq,ily. I hope you cqn understqnd loveloveloveDylqn

Let the adventure begin!

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